Up Next, Spring Semester!

Originally posted 12/3/2020

Somehow, we got through fall semester. While we all take a collective breath to recover, it is time for thinking about what the spring semester will look like.

While searching for classes, consider The Studio Seminar, which continues on! The second semester of this course – which does not require that students have taken the first semester – will be focused on interdisciplinary collaboration in order to put together a final exhibition or performance.

The spring seminar is a little different than the fall seminar. In the fall, there were multiple lessons and workshops each week that covered multiple topics and disciplines. However in the spring, there is a larger focus on working together with the intention of creating a larger project. The spring seminar also creates stronger connections with faculty on campus. Depending on the project, you may be able to work closely with staff in different departments.

In the past couple years, students have come together to produce an exhibit at the Chazen and a multimedia performance in the Play Circle at Memorial Union. These were amazing events and we can’t wait to see what you all can create! This class is an great chance to work with each other and artists around campus. We hope to see you all in class!

And Happy Holidays, Love the Studio.