Originally posted 9/17/2019
Hello new residents, and welcome to The Studio! We are so excited to have you and witness the wonderful things you will do and create this year. The Studio is an inspiring, loving, and supportive community that is here for you in all pursuits, both within the arts and in your lives on campus.
In the past couple weeks, you’ve had the chance to get to know each other, The Studio spaces, and the broader campus through events like Orientation, Mocktails Over Mendota, the Studio house show, the Wheelhouse Reunion, and the seminar’s First Nations tour of campus. These events are only the beginning of your time on campus – there’s so much more to experience!
Looking forward in the semester, some events to expect are video and print-making workshops in seminar, art events and concerts around Madison, impromptu jam sessions with fellow residents, and last but undoubtedly not least the Showcases! These events are what really make the Studio shine, and memories of them will stay with you throughout your years at UW and beyond. Start thinking now about what you might want to do, be it a performance, presenting visual art, or any other idea you might have! It is the perfect place to debut new work, experiment with more “out there” ideas, or show off your best stuff! We can’t wait to see what you will share!
As always, if you ever need anything regarding the Studio or life in general, the Studio team is always here to help out!