Originally posted 3/2/2021 You’ve heard of Tyra Mail? Well here is your Studio Mail! While we can’t do a whole Project Runway, we can do our own thing… with some COVID adjustments.
Project Thrift week will be taking place from March 8 – March 14 with different activities and events happening all around. Some events will be sign-up based, and other will take place whenever you have time.
DAY 1– Isha Camara’s Make-Up Workshop
“The category is: FACE!” On March 8 @ 6-7 pm on ZOOM, come start setting up your looks with some with basic make-up and some more complex designs. If you want to start thinking about colors and patterns, Isha would love to start talking about color theory or whatever ideas you may have about matching designs or themes. March 1 is the last day to sign up here.
ALL WEEK- Up-Cycling and Pickin’ the Fit
ALL week is you or your team’s time to shine. If you want to participate in the photoshoot competition you can sign up here OR just go in and have fun. We have… a lot of clothes in the Hive. There’s clothes, fabrics, and tons of other materials in the Hive to use to create whole new outfits. Mix and match with literally anything with the goal to create at least 3 new outfits. Only one week… let’s see what you make.
Fellow Studio Resident, Kaya, will be in the Hive every day from March 8 – March 14 to help you out with sewing or any specific questions.
LAST DAY- Photoshoot with Faisal
On March 14 from 1-5 pm in the Creative Lab, Faisal will be available to do a photoshoot for you and/or your team. Due to COVID-19 requirements, the photoshoot will be done through the sign up sheet where you pick your slot. Time slots for people working by themselves are 15 minutes and time slots for teams are 30 minutes.
Thank you all for participating and always creating amazing art while in the middle of a literal pandemic.
Love from your favorite Learning Community, The Studio.